The Religious Nazis of Islam Must Be Destroyed
‘We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.’So said Winston Churchill....
View ArticleThe Elusive Achdus of Charedim and Religious Zionists
I can’t begin to count how many times I have expressed my longing for Achdus - the unity of the Jewish people. While I deeply value the life and welfare of every Jew, I also recognize that the divide...
View ArticleEnding the Violence with Deportations
If anyone wants to know the difference between the street gangs of New York and the religious zealots of Israel, I would answer - there is no difference. They are both interested in getting their way...
View ArticleYU's Recognition of an LGBTQ Student Group
At first glance, this seems like a real shocker. On the other hand, I’m not entirely surprised. The following has been widely reported in the mainstream Jewish media, including The Forward:Yeshiva...
View ArticleHas the World of Lakewood Gone Awry?
BMG students attending R' Feldman's lecture (Lakewood Alerts)If there was ever an example of how certain segments of Orthodoxy are ‘Krum’ (going down a crooked path despite their Mitzvah observance)...
View ArticleWhat Jewish Education Should Look Like
Yesterday, I had the sublime pleasure of attending the Chanukas HaBayis, the ceremony celebrating the opening of Arie Crown Hebrew Day School’s new multi-million-dollar campus. To say that it exceeded...
View ArticleHuckabee: Reform Opposition - Orthodox Support
Mike Huckabee at the Lubavitcher Rebbe's gravesite (Matzav)Guess what? Jewish Insider reports that Reform and Orthodox Jewry have starkly different ideologies. Is anyone surprised by that?Not me. The...
View ArticleYeshiva University Responds
Yeshiva University Beis HaMedrash (RIETS Press)I am pleased to say that Rav Hershel Schachter has responded.A few days ago, I, along with many other Orthodox Jews, was perplexed by what appeared to be...
View ArticleA Letter from a Charedi
R' Dov Landau - a leading opponent of Charedim serving in the IDFA couple of days ago, I received the following letter (lightly edited for clarity) in response to a recent post:Hi, my name is Moshe...
View ArticleDoes the WZO Controversy Spell the End of 'Daas Torah'?
Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Agudah (Matzav)Is the world of ‘Daas Torah’ falling apart? Though this question may seem shocking, the answer is not entirely clear. However, to someone like me who does not...
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