Health and Interior Minister, Aryeh Deri and PM Netanyahu (JTA) |
Deri’s condition for his party joining the coalition was to be appointed to an important ministerial position. A position that is legally denied to convicted felons. Nonetheless then Prime Minister-elect Netanyahu agreed - promising to change the law so that could happen. Deri is now (for the time being) the Health and Interior Minister.
Ahhh… but there’s a fly in the ointment. Israel’s left wing Supreme Court just denied Deri that option. Rightfully so in my view. As noted by JTA:
(Israel’s) Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that a minister who has been previously convicted in multiple fraud cases is not fit to serve in government.
The Court ruled 10-1 to disqualify Aryeh Deri, a longtime lawmaker and leader of a haredi Orthodox party, from his role as health and interior minister, citing his conviction last year for tax fraud. Deri had also previously served nearly two years in prison for taking bribes two decades ago.
Could not agree more. Law breakers should never become law makers. If anything Deri should have been barred from serving in the K’nesset in any capacity.
Well… as the great American philosopher, Lawrence Peter Berra once said, ‘It ain’t over till it’s over’:
A statement on Twitter suggested Deri would not go gently. “I intend to continue with great strength and boldness the social revolution our rabbis of blessed memory launched for Jewish identity and assistance for the weak,” he said. “We will do this with power, standing tall, with God’s help.”
I’m not sure how much Deri taking bribes and evading taxes does for ‘Jewish identity and assistance for the weak’. But it sure did a lot for him at the time. Until he was caught, convicted, and jailed.
If Deri bolts and takes his 11 Shas MKs with him, that indeed will mean new elections. Which of course will be a cause for great celebration and joy for the left leaning opposition. But it will not make me or anyone else happy that wants to see a stable government in Israel tor the first time in years .
So despite the joy this would bring to the left, I’m not sure the typical Israeli voter will be so happy. New elections every few months is getting tiresome. Not to mention the fact that nothing of any significance gets done that way. All of which makes Israel look weak. (That is of course far from true. But sometimes perception is reality with respect to how the rest of the world views it. And that could undermine Israel’s relationship with foreign governments. But I digress.)
If the Supreme Court decision stands and Deri does not get what he was promised, will he and his 11 Charedi Shas MKs leave the coalition and destroy the most Charedi friendly government in history? A government that will surely benefit his constituency as well as other Charedi voters? He would have to have be a narcissist of epic proportion to do that.
My guess is that the rabbinic leadership, particularly the Sephardi rabbinic leadership will prevail upon him to allow his party to stay in the coalition. And perhaps let another Shas MK serve in his stead. One that was not convicted of breaking the law.
So if I were a member of the left wing opposition, I would not be celebrating just yet. I personally hope that the government does not collapse. It has yet to prove itself as beneficial to the country via implementing their right wing agenda. If they are successful and the typical Israeli benefits from it, the massive protests instigated by the far left will fade away. Although I’m sure they will be standing by in the wings and ready to strike when the iron gets hot. If the new government is smart, they will not do anything radical that would cause the majority of the electorate to become disgusted with it.
One may ask, ‘What about Netanyahu?’ If being a law breaker is unacceptable. Shouldn’t he be treated the same as Deri?
Perhaps. But first let’s see if he gets convicted. If he does we can revisit the issue. Until then – innocent until proven guilty.
I’m not crazy about the makeup of the current government. Worst case scenario - this government could spell disaster for Israel and the Jewish people worldwide.
My hope is that scenario will never happen. No matter how strongly the right wing radicals in the coalition would like to see their radical policies implemented, I don’t think they will risk the near certain world ostracism (possibly even including the US) Israel will surely experience if they are. They can’t be that stupid. They will have to moderate their extremist views to fit the reality of the negative repercussions that would follow if they don’t.
As I keep saying, the government of Israel ought to be given a chance to govern and see what actually results. And not react to the extremist rhetoric of the far right members of the coalition. Because right now that’s all it is. Just rhetoric.